"Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us,
to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.” (Luke 1:78-79)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


It's a strange topic, I know.  But lately God has been leading me and Steve to read some interesting books about the church.  Not only that, but the books we've read dovetail so perfectly with the Bible study we just completed.  It's made me look at "church" in a much broader light.

I've always been taught that we are the church -- the "church" is not a building, it's people (you know the song..."I am the church; You are the church; We are the church togeth...er"!).  But yet, we still talk about "belonging" to this or that church; or "going to" church; etc, etc.  We still view church as an institution -- a building -- an organization....something we "go" to.   And a place where we expect others to go.

But what if the "church" should be the ones who go?  Yesterday I had a conversation with a man who told me his mom was pretty concerned about his brother (a 40-something adult) who "never goes to church".  My first thought -- and I told him this -- is that WE are the church.  Maybe it's time for the church to go to him...to show him the love and compassion of Jesus.  We worry so much when people don't go to church, but maybe our focus is wrong.  Maybe we should be more concerned that we, the church, aren't doing a very good job of revealing Christ to the world.

Scripture is very clear that we (followers of Christ) are the church.  I Cor. 6:19 says, "Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God?"  I Cor. 3:16 gives a more corporate focus, "Don't you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?"

We are the "light of the world -- a city on a hilltop" (see Matt. 5:14).  Our purpose is to reveal Christ to a dark world.  "We're it!  We are the lampstands in this generation."  (Beth Moore). 

"When we discover the power of His love, we can't hold it to ourselves.  Not only will it transform us, it will also seep out quite naturally with believers and unbelievers alike.  We'll find ourselves reflecting God's life and character to others around us..." (Wayne Jacobsen)

We would do well to be more passionate about displaying Christ to those around us.  We are given the opportunity daily to demonstrate God's life and love to those He puts in our lives.  If you've been ignited with His Spirit, allow His light shine in and through you!  That's the life and breath of the church!


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