"Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us,
to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.” (Luke 1:78-79)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

River of Delight

Yesterday I was reading in Psalm 65. When I got to verse 9 the words suddenly were highlighted in my mind's eye...

"The river of God has plenty of water;
it provides a bountiful harvest of grain,
for You have ordered it so."

Now I know the psalmist was most likely praising God for the abundant moisture He refreshes the earth with, but when I read, "The river of God has plenty of water", my thoughts were drawn to the Living Water -- where we drink deeply from the River of Delight! This river, too, has plenty of water!

Listen to another Psalm that speaks so beautifully about God's abundant, refreshing Living Water. (I'm going to personalize it for us -- that's how God intends for His Word to be read)...

"You feed us from the abundance of Your own house,
letting us drink from Your river of delights.
For You are the fountain of life,
the light by which we see.
You pour out Your unfailing love on those who love You..." (Psalm 36:8-10a; NLT)

I'm praying today that showers of blessings would pour on you. As you go into this day, I pray that you will find shelter in the shadow of His wings. And that you would take the time to drink deeply from the River of Delight, allowing the Spirit of God to refresh and strengthen you.

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