Steve left for Russia on Friday…and my thoughts are never far from him. I often find myself calculating the time difference and wonder what he‘s doing at that moment. I like to pray for him every time I think about him. Volgograd (where Steve’s staying) is 9 hours ahead of us. Since it’s 6:30 p.m. here, it’s 3:30 a.m. in Russia. He’s never been so prayed over as he’s slept! (Unfortunately I’m sleeping during much of his waking hours, so those hours might be a little less prayed over!).
For the most part, things have been going okay with Kyle since Steve left. However, this afternoon I started to see a whole lot of anxiety move in. He’s really ramped up about school tomorrow. (Not so unusual. He typically has tons of school anxiety). I’m getting lots of “I’m just going to quit school” type of comments (and a few more that I wouldn‘t care to share). Sigh.
When he starts acting up, my human nature wants to fight back. It’s often hard to stay calm, patient, and loving when Kyle’s trying his hardest to suck me into arguments. I struggle with loving him well when inwardly I’m screaming.
Do you ever have a Bible verse or passage that just keep popping up? Where you start seeing a theme that God just might be drawing your attention to? I’ve had a couple of these rise to the surface today, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
This morning in my quiet time, I spent some time reading in the gospel of Mark. I came across Jesus’ answer to the religious authorities who asked Him which commandment was the most important. Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this…‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.” (Mark 12: 29-31)
Hmmm, love God…love people. Am I growing in love for God and people? Jesus said that this is the mark of a believer, the heart of spiritual life. And Jesus doesn’t give us a pass. He doesn’t say that I don’t have to show love to those who are acting really unlovable (like Kyle was this afternoon). Jesus just keeps patiently bringing me back to the classroom…love God, love people. Not always so easy, but that’s no excuse.
I’ve learned that there’s no way I can love well (God OR people) in my own strength. Not coincidentally, the other verse that’s been running through my head this weekend is from Colossians 1:27 “...Christ in you the hope of glory”. I can’t do this on my own and God doesn’t even expect me too! Christ lives in me, and I live - and love - in His strength. I have the power of Christ’s Spirit working in me. Christ in me, the hope of glory. Thank you Lord!
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