I heard a woman interviewed on "Focus on the Family" the other day who said that even though she had attended church all her life, she had never thought of herself as a sinner. You see, she had always compared herself to other people...and it wasn't too hard to find others who lived much worse lives than she.
Then she came face to face with Truth. It dawned on her that she was comparing herself to the wrong person. When she compared herself to Jesus Christ she realized, for the first time, that she, too, was a sinner in need of a Savior.
It was such a good reminder for me to view my life in the light of His perfection. Ephesians 5:1-2a says, "Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are His dearly loved children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ."
...Follow the example of Christ...What a challenge that is for me! But that's who I want to look like and act like. And in order to look and act like Christ, I'm going to have to compare myself to Him (as painful as that can be). His Spirit will continue the transformation process as I honestly recognize my sin and yield my heart to Him for cleansing.
So, who do you compare yourself to?
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