"Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us,
to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.” (Luke 1:78-79)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haley and Kaden are 6 months old!

Today Steph and Kirk's (daughter & son-in-law) twins are 6 months old!! Haley Jo and Kaden John were born on July 13, 2009...9 weeks early. What miracle babies they're proving to be! They continue to develop and thrive right on target for babies born so prematurely. God has so blessed that little family!!

I love how God speaks to us through the everyday things of life. When Stephanie was pregnant with Haley and Kaden, God reminded me (Grandma Bev :) how very much He loves me.

I was thrilled when Steph and Kirk emailed me the first ultrasound picture, taken at six weeks gestation. I still have that picture taped to my kitchen cupboard - I just can't seem to tear it down! It was so miraculous to see those precious babies. Granted, at that point they were just two dark spots (greatly magnified)on a gray background. But from my first view of them, I fell totally and completely in love with these babies. My prayers for them became more earnest as the reality of their existence became evident.

My heart burst with love over these tiny little ones. They didn’t have to do anything to earn my love. I loved them simply because they were. Through this ultrasound picture God reminded me that’s how much He loves me. He loves me not because of what I've done...or what my name is...or where I live...but He loves me because of who HE is. He loves me because He is Creator God and I am a deeply treasured creation of His. He calls me (and YOU) His masterpiece!

We don’t have to do a thing to earn our Abba's love. He doesn’t require us to be good enough or creative enough or smart enough or beautiful enough to earn His love. When you were just a tiny, tiny speck in your mother's womb, God was beside Himself with joy! He freely and generously lavishes His love on you today because you are His precious child...the crown of His creation.

Here are Haley and Kaden at 6 weeks gestation...

And at Christmas...

And here's one with big brother, Konner, age 5!

1 comment:

Tena said...

Love those Bumbos! Good job, grandma! They are precious little ones. Such work I see there and I understand the depth of it. Beautiful grandchildren!!