The apostles returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told him all they had done and taught. Then Jesus said, "Let's go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile." He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn't even have time to eat. So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone." Mark 6:30-32
I recently read through the memoirs of my Grandpa
Gritters. My grandpa was an active
minister for over 50 years. In 1982, at
the age of 76, he wrote his memoirs— apparently excerpted from the many diaries
he kept throughout the years. My dad
asked if I would be willing to retype these memoirs since the ink of the old
typewriter Grandpa used was starting to fade. I’ve so enjoyed reading Grandpa’s words.
He was a born story-teller! As I
read his long-ago penned words, wonderful memories flooded my mind. I could just picture the coziness of sitting
on the couch with Grandpa and my brothers and sisters, listening to Grandpa
weave a crazy tale, complete with the scent of pipe tobacco and peppermints!
Here’s a small excerpt from my grandpa’s memoirs:
Grandpa wrote these words shortly after beginning his pastorate in Pipestone, MN. He and Grandma moved there in October of 1961, and apparently Grandpa became ill in December. As I was typing these precious words of my grandpa (“Halt,” said the Lord, “HALT…”) I had to chuckle to myself. This was just vintage Grandpa! Then it brought to mind one of the lessons God has been teaching me in my personal study of Jonah.
A spiritual discipline God has been calling me to explore
and practice is that of solitude and
silence. Ruth Haley Barton’s book, Sacred Rhythms, speaks to this important
discipline. She defines solitude as "a place in time that is
set apart for God and God alone, a time when we unplug and withdraw from the
noise of interpersonal interactions...” Barton goes on to say, “Silence deepens our experience of solitude, because
in silence we choose to unplug not only from the constant stimulation of life
in the company of others but also from our own addiction to noise, words and
activity.” (Ruth Haley Barton, Sacred
Rhythms, p.32). In silence and
solitude we are given space to notice God’s presence and to respond to it. The distractions of life are left behind and
we can focus completely on God. In the quiet stillness, “God can come in and do
what only God can do.” (p.41) (To learn
more about the spiritual discipline of solitude and silence, I would encourage
you read Sacred Rhythms as well as An Invitation to Solitude and Silence, both
by Ruth Haley Barton.)
As Jonah sat in the belly of the fish, I’m sure he not only
spoke to God (we read his words in Jonah 2), but that God spoke to him. In the muffled quiet of the deep, God had
Jonah’s undivided attention. Spending
time alone with God in silence and solitude is so important to God that sometimes
He resorts to some pretty interesting methods to get our attention. When Jonah was running away from the job God asked
him to do, God provided a very unique way for Jonah to be still and
listen. When my grandpa was busy, busy,
busy with his ministry, God gave him no choice but to ‘halt.' Before
moving to Pipestone, Grandpa had been struggling for years with some deeply divisive church/
denominational issues and I can’t help but wonder if he was simply exhausted
physically, emotionally, and perhaps even spiritually. As Grandpa spent several days in “hospital
room 105,” I have a hunch God not only used that time for Grandpa to develop ministry
goals, but also gave him some much needed rest for his exhausted body and soul.
invites us to a quiet place, too, away from the noise and commotion of
life. As we enter the holiday season,
and all the busyness and commotion that comes with it, how important it is to accept
God’s invitation to sit quietly with Him. In the quiet, we can feel His presence and hear His voice whisper to our
weary (and very busy) hearts. Shhhhhh. Be still and know that I am God.
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