"Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us,
to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.” (Luke 1:78-79)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


As I wrote the last time, since Laura and Duane died my eternal perspective has changed. I never thought much about heaven until I lost two very dear people in such a short amount of time. Since then, heaven just seems so much closer. Here are a few of my rambling thoughts... :)

  • I've developed a sincere longing for heaven! I don't long for it in a morbid way (such as "I just want to die and go to heaven"), but as something I honestly look forward to. I really didn't give heaven much thought until Laura and Duane died. Now I catch myself dreaming about heaven! Steve and I have been privileged to take some fabulous trips to tropical locations. I love to breath in the scented air, bask in the warm sun, and revel in the beauty all around me. But as beautiful and refreshing as these tropical paradises are, they are just a shadow of heaven. Heaven will be so much more!
  • I'm excited to live in the fullness of what Christ has for me in heaven. For example, I love to play the piano, but my abilities here are so limited. In heaven, though, I'll be able to play as I was created to! There are times when I hear an impressive and difficult piano piece, and I just long to play like that. For now, though, the best I can do is promise the Lord that someday I will play like that for Him in heaven! My ability will finally match my desire. (I'm sure that Laura and I will have ample opportunity to once again play some fabulous piano/organ duets).
  • It pretty much goes without saying that I can't wait to be reunited with Laura, Duane, Steve's dad, my grandparents, and others I've loved! But I also think it will be so cool to get to know other brothers and sisters I never even met before. Imagine how quickly we'll bond! We have a taste of that now when we meet another believer for the first time. Our spirits connect in a unique way, and soon it's obvious we share the same Father. We will experience that over and over in eternity.
  • In heaven, our relationships will be complete. We will be able to enjoy each other and share life together as God intended. We won't have the brokenness, the awkwardness, the tensions (and so much more) that we so often now experience with our family members and friends. We will love each other - and be loved - as God originally designed.
  • The most incredible thing about heaven, of course, is that it will be brimming with the very Presence of Jesus!

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