So this afternoon I ran away. I need to do that from time to time. When the frustrations mount I find it healthier to disengage—to go to a quiet place. Today’s destination was Fifield Park, on Lake Red Rock. I packed fairly light…my laptop, my tote bag with books, Bible, and journal, and a bottle of water. (I debated stopping by the bakery for a cream-filled bismark, but wisely decided against that one!)
What a peaceful oasis awaited me. All around I saw evidence of Elohim—Creator God. He spoke through the tender breeze and the dancing, falling leaves. He sparkled in the diamonds of light exploding on the lake. I smelled His fragrance in the dry, dusty scent of autumn. He spoke calm to my soul. He listened so patiently as I poured out my heart.
God invited me to give voice to what’s weighing me down. Time and again I find that it’s in the telling that I come to a place of deeper understanding and peace.
So today I tell God there seems to be no end in sight to this struggle. Oftentimes we know a current affliction is only for a season. We yearningly remember the “before,” we doggedly press on through the “during,” and we eagerly anticipate the promise of the “after.” But what about when there is no assurance of an “after”—when we live day after day in the “during” and there is no end in sight? When the realization hits that this struggle is not just for a season.
I sensed God nodding in understanding. Then He quietly reminded me that He only ever asks me to live in the present. To live in His Presence. His Presence today—this very moment—is what will carry me through the “during.” His Presence will help me live in the fullness of abundant life today. He doesn’t want me to look far ahead. He promises light for the step I’m on.
In the stillness of nature I read aloud God’s Words to Him...Psalms of encouragement, promise, and praise. As I read to Him, He spoke to me. Mutual joy and love flowed from each other and to each other. How true His words, “He inhabits the praise of His people.” (Ps. 22:3)
It was time to go home.