"Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us,
to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.” (Luke 1:78-79)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

What a gorgeous day!  I'm sitting on my back patio listening to music, enjoying the singing of the birds, basking in the sunlight and the breeze...and just delighting in my quiet time with God.  I have to admit, though, I was a little distracted at first by all the noise coming from the busy street we live on.  Even as I'm typing these words, a car is racing past with its bass thumping (it's after 8:30 -- shouldn't the kids all be in school by now?!).

Then it occurred to me that this is just like life.  There will always be distractions and noise coming at us, even in the midst of beauty (now a garbage truck is clanging by, beeping it's warning as it stops in a nearby street). We find rest and peace, and are momentarily stilled...but then we enter life and once again are assailed by the commotion coming at us.  And so often the noise and distractions come from within.  It's hard to escape the turmoil that brews inside of us when we're going through a difficult time.  What should we do?

The past few days God has been clearly speaking to me about this.  He's been reminding me over and over again that I am to keep my eyes on Him.  The Words that come to mind are from Hebrews 12:1-2.  "...run with perseverance the race marked out for you...keeping your eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of your faith...".

Do I trust God with the course He has set for me?  Since He's the One who's marked it out, He knows all the twists and turns my race will take.  The game plan He's given me is to keep running (persevere) and keep my eyes on Him.  My tendency is to look around at everyone else's life (the whole "she has it so much easier/better" syndrome...).  What good does that do?  God has an individual course set out for each of His children.  I need to keep my focus on Jesus.  He was the author (the initiator...the originator) of my faith and He's taking me down a very specific path that will perfect my faith to His specifications. 

One day at a time...one step in front of the other...and always, always LOOKING UP!
"Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.  We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith."  Heb. 12: 1b-2a (NLT)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Aren't you glad that the word "amen" doesn't mean goodbye?  I am.  I love to pray!  I love to have heart-to-heart conversations with God -- whether it's on my knees in my room, sitting on the glider on my patio, taking long walk around town, or sitting in front of my computer at work.  I've often thought that I'm so glad that when I have to end my prayer it's never with a goodbye.

The word amen means, "Yes, this is true!" or "Let it be so!" (according to gospel.com).  When we end our prayers with the word amen, we're asking God to take and seal our prayer...to make it be so.  We're asking for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.  But we're not saying goodbye to God!

God has promised to NEVER leave us or forsake us (see Heb. 13:5).  He is with us always. Our sweet times of prayer really need never end.  As we go through our day we can continue to talk with Him, even without words!  God doesn't need our words.  He loves to hear us speak what's on our hearts, of course.  But there are times when words just aren't sufficient -- when there are simply no adequate words to say.  There are times when our tears suffice as prayers...and times our thoughts are prayers, reaching up with longing to the Lord. 

When God's Spirit resides within us, we are never alone.  We can walk with Him and talk to Him all day long.  We need never say goodbye!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


This morning I read this gem of Truth...

"For everything comes from God and exists by His power and is intended for His glory.  All glory to Him forever!  Amen.  Romans 11:36 (NLT)

What an incredible perspective that puts on life!  And what an awesome prayer...  Father, I come from You, and I exist only by Your power, and my life is intended for Your glory.  Help me never to lose sight of this truth. 

Life is all about God, isn't it?  We get so hung up on our issues, our problems, our pleasures, OURSELVES.  Then we come across a verse like this and it's as if God hangs a billboard over our path. Once again we're reminded that He is the source and Creator of all...that He is the power and sustainer of all...and that He is the rightful and intended recipient of all glory.

What a challenge to remember that and to choose daily to live with this perspective!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Intercessory Prayer

I'm re-reading a book I purchased several years ago on prayer.  It's called Intercessory Prayer, by Dutch Sheets.  While some people might not fully line up with the teaching, it is a powerful book that shows us just how vital our prayers are.  Too often I fall into the trap of thinking that my prayers really don't count...really don't make a difference.  That's a lie straight from the mouth of Satan.  As believers, we've been given authority to pray with great boldness!

Here are a couple of quotes from the book...

"The Most High has given us His light, He has given us His sword, He has given us His name.  Use them!  Position yourself toward the Son and allow Him to shine through you, striking the mark!  Wield the laser sword of the Spirit.  We often forget how powerful the Holy Spirit in us is - how destructive to darkness is His lightning sword.  It has supernatural power to overcome the works of darkness - when we release it with confidence." (p. 191)

"As the Israelites carried the presence and glory of God into battle, so must we.  All that was in the Ark of the Covenant is in us:  the Bread of Life, the rod of priestly authority and the law of God.  And the glory that was upon it now shines through us.  Act like it!  Strike with the sword - speak the Word!  "Let God arise" through your intercession "and His enemies be scattered." (p. 192)

Let these truths soak into your heart and believe that your prayers DO make a difference.  Never give up!